
   The famous author named Virgilio wrote: "Mantua me genuit". This is where the brand Mantù takes its name from. The city of Mantova reminds of traditions, arts, architecture and Mantù collection wants to gather all these elements.

  The collection is launched in 2008. This very ambitious project has been developed upon the idea of a gap in the market looking for a product with a new "twist". Infact further to the brainstorming had with important fashion figures operating in the business Castor has decided to create a product with the following caracteristics: daily, chic, fantastic finishing and fit, perfect price range.

  The most difficult aspect has been creating a collection with clear identity but with an easy appeal; as Angela Picozzi, one of the founders, said in an interview, the company was looking for a designer able to create the perfect mix between glamourous and daily chic.

  Mantù is all these elements of distinction mixed together.

  As the Medioeval city Mantova, Mantù is a secret treasure to be discovered, but once you've experience it you will feel enhanced with it.


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